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Beauty Messe Düsseldorf

Wir sind dabei 28.-30.03.25


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Augenbrauen Mapping leicht gemacht!


Brow mapping is a method of finding the perfect shape for your eyebrows. Various measurements are taken to ensure that both eyebrows look even and symmetrical.

To perform brow mapping, you will need a pre-colored thread , an eyebrow brush , and an eyebrow pencil . Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Start using the thread to find the starting point of your eyebrow. Hold the thread at the side of your nose and pull it diagonally across your eye. The point where the thread intersects your eyebrow is the starting point.
  2. Use the thread again to find the highest point of your eyebrow. Hold the thread at the side of your nose and pull it diagonally across the center of your eye. The point where the thread intersects your eyebrow is the highest point.
  3. Use the thread a third time to find the end point of your eyebrow. Hold the thread at the side of your nose and pull it diagonally across the outer corner of your eye. The point where the thread intersects your eyebrow is the endpoint.
  4. Connect the dots with an eyebrow pencil to outline the shape of your eyebrow.
  5. Brush your eyebrows up and trim any hairs that are sticking out past the top line.
  6. Brush your eyebrows down and trim any hairs that are below the bottom line.
By following these steps, you can ensure your eyebrows are perfectly shaped and looking their best.

A few tips we can give you:

  • Use thread that's already pre-dyed to save time.
  • Be careful when cutting hair to make sure you don't cut too much.
  • If you're unsure, ask a professional for help to ensure your brows look perfect.
  • I hope this explanation and tips will help you shape your eyebrows perfectly!

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